Sailing School Boats
Our dinghies fleet is made up of Optimist Fusion and H15 sailboats

Length 2.30
Width 1.13
Weight 35kg
Sail surface 3.25m2
Crew 1/2
The Optimist... every sailor has a love-hate relationship with this little boat. Practically all sailing champions started their careers on this little sailing dinghy.
With its tramson bow and pram hull, it slams on the waves, it’s got a four-sided spritsail and when it fills up with water it looks like a bathtub. It’s definitely the most characteristic and recognizable of the dinghies in every sailing club.
Always reliable and safe, it’s been the faithful companion of generations of young sailors.

Length 3.65
Width 1.45
Weight 60kg
Sail surface 7m2
Crew 1/3
An extremely easy to use dinghy thanks to a modern design (2016). It’s easily rigged, you can go alone or in two or three.
The small or large mainsail, the jib and even gennaker make this small dinghy very versatile and appropriate for everyone, able to give great emotions in all wind conditions.

Length 4.70
Width 1.80
Weight 140kg
Sail surface 12.3m2
Crew 2/5
Simply the ideal dinghy for sailing school, plenty of room for adults and children, versatile and fun in all situation and levels.
It is equipped with furling jib and reefs, so you always have the adequate sail area, which can also be increased with the 14m2 asymmetric.
Fun and emotions guaranteed both for experts and for those are approaching the world of sailing